Tuesday 2 June 2009

Why now?

There are times that I feel there must be a big black arrow pointing at my head with a large sign saying "Feel free to crap on this person".

Today I found out the reason that Moose has been feeling under the weather lately is because he has a large tumour on his spleen. We won't know until tomorrow whether it can be operated on or whether it has spread to other organs. I desperately want to believe otherwise, but from what the vet has said already, the prognosis is not good at all.

I know he's only a dog, but the thought of losing my 2nd best friend as well is eating away at my heart right now. He came to me as a sad, scared rescue dog nine years ago, and has barely left my side since. His boundless enthusiasm, unlimited love and velvety ears helped to keep me going in the darkest moments after R died. The house feels very quiet and empty right now.

Please think positive thoughts that I'll be able to bring him home tomorrow and make him comfortable at least for a while longer.


  1. So sorry to hear about Moose! I know how special our pets are and I'm so sorry you're having to face this now. I am sending you positive thoughts. Keep us posted.

  2. Audible catch in throat.
    So sorry for you. He's not "only" a dog.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that this is happening.
    It might be counterintuitive, but I think that losing my husband has made me more empathic with those who lose a pet -- or who have to take care of them towards the end.

    I'm thinking of you.


